DR Doireann O’Leary

Dr. Doireann O’Leary, MB BCh BAO MICGP, is a GP in Cork City. She graduated with an honours degree in Medicine from University College Cork in 2011. She is passionate about women’s health and general practice. Dr. Doireann is a LARC (long acting reversible contraception) provider and registered cervical smear taker. She is also a lecturer at The University College Cork School of Medicine. She also contributes regularly to the media with regular slots on The Last Word on Today FM and The Today Show on RTE 1. She loves to share her passion for health and wellbeing through her social media channels and her podcast, “Dr. Doireann’s Podcast”.


Why I developed this range

I developed this range to help people to get a real health benefit from their daily supplement routine. There’s so much information online about various supplements, a lot of which have no meaningful health benefit and some of which have the potential to cause significant harm. The amount of information online can be overwhelming. It’s hard to see the wood from the trees. I meet patients everyday who are taking supplements they don’t need and missing out on the key supplements they do need. I’ve never met a patient who takes a multivitamin who knows exactly what’s in it. This is what inspired me to develop this range. There are four key supplements that I recommend and which I take myself everyday; Vitamin D, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Supplements don’t have to be confusing or complicated; that’s why our tag line is “Supplements Made Simple”. 


What makes us, us



 To educate and empower people to incorporate supplements in to their daily routine with the knowledge of what to take and why. I want to ensure that people and their family are getting a meaningful health benefit from their supplements.


Why My Range?

This range is developed personally by me for you and your family. I don’t have any supplements in my range that aren’t scientifically proven to improve your health and I never will. I’m passionate about educating people on their health and empowering them to take positive actions towards a healthier lifestyle. The foundation stone of this range is scientific evidence. On top of that is what I’ve learned by listening to the real life experiences of patients on the frontline for the last 16 years.I’ve learned that patients are confused and overwhelmed, often taking supplements they don’t need, missing out on the ones they do need and sometimes even taking supplements that are causing them harm. This range is a part of my own daily healthy routine. I want you and your family to enjoy those benefits too.

  • I see so much Vitamin D deficiency in my work as a GP. We can make Vitamin D ourselves in our skin in response to sunlight, however this is something most of us don’t get a lot of exposure to due to our distance from the equator. In addition, we are now more sun safe, opting to avoid exposing our skin to harmful UV rays due to skin cancer risk.

    This is why this Vitamin D is included in my range. Vitamin D supports a healthy immune system. Vitamin D also contributes to normal absorption of calcium from our digestive tract and therefore helps to maintain healthy calcium levels in our blood. It’s key for supporting bone health, strong muscles and a healthy musculoskeletal system. In addition, it helps to reduce the loss of bone mineral density in peri- and post menopausal women and supports normal development of bones.

  • Vegan and vegetarian diets are becoming more common due to health, animal welfare and environmental concerns associated with red meat. Many people are opting for more meat free days. Animal products are our primary source of Vitamin B12 in the diet. This means that Vitamin B12 deficiency is becoming increasingly more common; I see it all the time. Symptoms include “brain fog”, poor memory and dizziness. Vitamin B12 supplements contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. In addition, Vitamin B12 is key for a functioning immune system whilst also contributing to the normal functioning of the nervous system and red blood cell formation.

  • So many of us don’t get enough fish in to our diet which is why Omega 3 Fatty Acid is included in my range. Omegas are key for normal brain function and contribute to normal functioning of the heart too. They also contribute to maintenance of normal blood pressure and normal blood triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are a type of cholesterol. High cholesterol increases our risk of heart attack and stroke. Finally, Maternal intake of Omega 3 Fatty Acid contributes to the normal brain development in developing babies and breast-fed infants.

  • Ireland has one of the highest rates in Europe of neural tube defects like Spina Bifida. 50% of women are not taking Folic Fcid at the time of conception. In early pregnancy, the neural tube which goes on to form the brain and spinal cord fuses and closes. Maternal intake of Folic Acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects. I meet women who are trying to conceive who aren’t taking Folic Acid; they’re taking supplements like Vitamin C or evening primrose oil; they’re missing out on a key and potentially life saving supplement. 30% of pregnancies in Ireland are not planned so I recommend all women, whether trying to conceive or not, to take Folic Acid.