Vitamin D3

I see so much Vitamin D deficiency in my work as a GP. We can make Vitamin D ourselves in our skin in response to sunlight, something most of us don’t get a lot of exposure to due to our distance from the equator. In addition, we are now more sun safe, opting to avoid exposing our skin to harmful UV rays due to skin cancer risk.  This which is why this Vitamin D is included in my range. It has a myriad of real and meaningful health benefits. When it comes to supplements, I’m always asked, “what can I take to support my immune system?”. Vitamin D is the best one for this; it supports a normal immune system in adults and children. Vitamin D also contributes to normal absorption of calcium from our digestive tract and therefore helps to maintain normal calcium levels in our blood. It’s also key for the maintenance of normal muscle function. Vitamin D is needed for normal growth and development of bone in children. If I had to choose one supplement to take, Vitamin D would be it! 


Water, Sorbitol, Xylitol, Poly sorbate 80, Flavouring, Cholecalciferol, Stevia, Potassium sorbate, Citric acid, Tri sodium citrate, Xanthan gum.


Vitamin D3


Vitamin B12 Spray